How To Remove Rust From Metal Bobbins And Entire Machines?

When there are millions of sewing machines been made every day with the latest technologies, why would anyone want to use an age old machine? There could be a variety of reasons. With a limited number of old classic models available, someone possessed with working with old mechanical beauties would only want to look for old sewing machines. Then, there could be some who would want to take a rusted old sewing machine from the junk pile and turn it back into a functional piece of equipment. Whatever the reason may be, using old machines that have not been maintained recently may be covered with rust. And, to avoid risking having the rust spread to other parts of the machine, you need to remove the rust.

Remove Rust From Metal Bobbins

Now speaking of bobbins, those that come with old sewing machines may also be rusted. But, even with new machines, rusted bobbins could become an issue. This is because bobbins that hold thread for a long time become rusted; the reason being that the thread absorbs moisture that builds up as rust beneath the thread. And, when you have only one such spare but rusted bobbin and there is nowhere else to go find a new one, you can do nothing but work with it. This is when you need to know how you can remove the rust before threading on another thread over the bobbin.

So, whether a metal bobbin, or an entire sewing machine, removing rust from it is important. And, the materials used include a rotary tool, a small brush, a medium brush, a brush wheel, and forceps (in the case of bobbin) or sanding sponge (in the case of machine).

  • A rotary tool is a handheld power tool with a rotary tip that accepts a variety of attachments for different tasks. It is compact in size, works at high speed, and is extremely versatile, as compared to other large bulky power tools.
  • In the case of a bobbin, the small brush is the most useful; while the medium sized brush is useful for cleaning machines. The brush wheel is useful in both cases – to clean rust out of the inside of the bobbins, and from the internal parts of the machine.
  • The sanding sponge helps to remove the top layer if rust from the machine; and because bobbins are tiny and cannot be rubbed with a sanding sponge, they are required to be held by forceps and cleaned with the brushes.

While the method of rotary tools and brushes works well, there may be many other methods used by others to clean up the rust. One such method is as mentioned below.

You can apply a metal polish on the bobbin with the help of a strong cotton string or crochet cotton. Lop one end of the string onto a solid piece of furniture, twist the string into a single strand, and put on it a splotch of metal polish. Then, twist the cotton once around the bobbin. Hold the string taut, hold on tight to the bobbin, and run it up and down, so that the metal polish is rubbed onto the bobbin with the string. All the rust will be removed, leaving the string black and fray, and the metal bobbin shining silver.

So, with the above methods, you can easily remove all sorts of rust from your bobbin, machine, or any other metal surface for that matter. However, if a new bobbin is what you are looking for, get in touch with Trim Engineering Services, one of the best metal bobbin manufacturers in India.

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